

Information for implementing organisations

Hosting international volunteers in Germany

The implementing organisations host the international weltwärts volunteers in Germany and support them throughout their voluntary service in collaboration with the sending organisations in the Global South. The page gives an overview of the key steps to be taken by German host organisations to support volunteers throughout their period of service.

Volunteers standing in a circle with their clenched hands stretched out in front of them so that their fists create a circle in the middle.
The education and mentoring activities form a key part of volunteers’ period of service.

Key steps to be carried out in coordination with Engagement Global and the BaFzA

Before volunteers arrive

Before volunteers arrive

Nine to six months before the volunteers arrive: Apply for approval for new place of assignment or agree collaboration with approved BFD places of assignment.

By 30 September each year: Apply for funding, i.e. submit the completed application for government funding to Engagement Global.

Four months before the volunteers arrive: Preparations for the selected volunteers

  • Submit the BFD agreement (by post) to BAFzA.
  • Submit the supplementary agreement (by post) and name list (by email) to Engagement Global, after the BFD agreement has been signed by BAFzA.
  • Apply for visas and take out insurance for the volunteers.

Take out insurance: Further information on this topic is provided below.

After the volunteers arrive

After the volunteers arrive

Maximum two weeks after arrival

  • Submit BFD and supplementary agreements (with all signatures) plus notification of any change in the period of service to Engagement Global by email
  • Send notification of commencement of service to the BAFzA (Division 203)

Contact: referat-203@bafza.bund.de

Continuously: Give notification of any changes to the forwarding agreement or changes regarding volunteers

After the volunteers leave

After the volunteers leave

Immediately after the end of the assignment: Host organisation or place of assignment issues the certificate of service to be sent to the BAFzA (Division 203)

Contact: referat-203@bafza.bund.de

By 30 April of the following year: Submit interim proof of use to Engagement Global

Six months after the end of the assignment: Submit final proof of use to Engagement Global

Compulsory insurance

One of the implementing organisations’ main tasks is to ensure adequate insurance cover for their volunteers.

It is compulsory that the following insurance be taken out

  • Statutory social insurance (including health insurance, nursing care insurance, pension insurance, statutory accident insurance and unemployment insurance)
  • Personal liability and accident insurance
  • Employer’s liability insurance (“Betriebshaftpflichtversicherung”)

All South-North component documents