Between September 2023 and April 2024, cross-organisation partner conferences of the weltwärts program are to be organised again. Implementing organisations can submit their expression of interest in hosting a conference by 14 August 2022.
On behalf of the Programme Steering Committee (PSC), particularly expressions of interest for partner conferences in the region of western Africa, southern South America and for Germany are invited since there have been only a few partner conferences until now. Expressions of interest for these regions will be given preference in the selection process. Especially an expression of interest to host a partner conference in Berlin, Germany, in September/October 2023 is welcomed, as there is an idea to tie a weltwärts anniversary celebration (15 years weltwärts, 10 years South-North) to the partner conference. In addition, you are of course welcome to submit expressions of interest for other countries/regions.
Implementing organisations have until 14 August 2022 to submit their expression of interest in hosting a cross-organisation partner conferences. All necessary documents can be downloaded at the bottom of this page.
35 cross-organisation partner conferences have been implemented for weltwärts since 2012. The conferences are implemented by at least two organisations - at least one partner organisation in the conference country and one implementing organisation - and receive 100% funding as a weltwärts accompanying measure for the programme. Additional staff for the organisation and alignment of the partner conference can be requested. You suggest when and where the conference should be held but the chosen dates should enable implementing organisations to combine participation in the conference with attendance of mid-term seminars and/or partner visits, as far as possible. We offer you our full support, especially in times of the Covid-19 pandemic, and are at your side to provide you with advice.
If you are interested in implementing a cross-organisation partner conferences for the weltwärts joint operation in 2023/24, please fill out the questionnaire below.
Please return the completed expression of interest form to the weltwärts Coordination Unit by 14 August 2022:
The objectives and implementing conditions can be found in the “Implementation framework for weltwärts cross-organisation partner conferences”, in the document center on our website.
If you have any questions, please contact:
Natalie Tawamba Tessa in the weltwärts coordination unit
Cäcilie Raiser, contact person for partner participation and partner conferences for the civil society in the PSC
or the PSC representative for your shared interest group.
Ausschreibung Interessensbekundung Partnerkonferenzen 2023_24_DE
Expression of interest for implementing a partner conference_2023_24_EN
Manifestation d'intérêt pour l´organisation d´une conférence partenaire_2023_24_FR
Convocatoria de manifestaciones de interés conferencia para las organizaciones copartes_2023_24_ES