Since 2012, partner conferences have been held in the countries of the Global South as part of the weltwärts programme. These conferences give the German organisations’ partners an opportunity to discuss current developments at weltwärts, play an active role in designing the programme and to network with other organisations. Four conferences are planned for 2019: three in the Global South and one in Germany.
Cross-organisation partner conferences in the weltwärts programme have three aims. First, they are intended to promote participation and dialogue between partner organisations and the programme’s central steering body, the Programme Steering Committee (PSC). Second, they enable partner organisations to engage in a dialogue and to network with one another as well as to identify topics where there is a shared feeling that they are of importance for the development of the weltwärts programme. Third, and as an overall aim, the conferences strengthen civil society structures and the partnership-based approach to the programme’s work.
In 2019, there will be conferences for three regions in three different partner countries in Africa, Asia and South America. There will also be a conference in Germany, explicitly geared to participants in the South-North component.
Where? | Organiser | When? |
Region: Asia Country: India |
Deutsch-Indische Zusammenarbeit e.V., DRK (German Red Cross) in Hessen Volunta gGmbH, Internationaler Bund Kassel, Behinderung und Entwicklungszusammenarbeit e.V. (bezev) |
Provisional dates: 20-23 February 2019 |
Region: South Africa Country Botswana |
Eine Welt Netz NRW | Provisional date: October 2019 |
Region: South America: Cono Sur |
Ev.-Luth. Missionswerk in Niedersachsen (ELM) | Provisional date: March 2020 |
Worldwide (South-North) | Internationaler Bund IB Südwest gGmbH | Provisional date: Second half of 2019 |
Details concerning the programme and how sending and partner organisations in the regions can participate will be published well in advance of each conference both on our German website and on weltwärts’ foreign-language websites.
Please contact
Agathe Schiwy
Phone: + 49 (0) 228 20717-547
E-Mail: agathe.schiwy@engagement-global.de
There were 23 cross-organisation partner conferences between 2012 and 2017, followed by another conference, in Columbia, and a South-North partner conference in Germany in September 2018. Conferences in Togo, Malawi and Mexico are planned to take place before the end of 2018.