
ONG Asociación Pro Desarrollo Perú Vida - APRODE PERU

Pays: Pérou

Interlocuteur: Luis Ernesto Santillán Gutiérrez

Adresse: Calle Daniel Alcides Carrión 203 - San Borja, Lima - Perú.

Téléphone (veuillez indiquer l'indicatif du pays):: +51 992 552 550

Page Facebook:: www.facebook.com/aprodeperu/

Site web:: aprodeperu.com

Organisme(s) partenaire(s) de weltwärts en Allemagne

DRK Soziale Freiwilligendienste Mecklenburg-Vorpommern gGmbH


We are a private, non-denominational and apolitical non-profit organization (NGO) that it was established for the purpose of contributing to the promotion of social and human development in Peru, especially in areas of extreme poverty, in where we have been working.
One example of our organizational identity is that our activities, programs and projects are carrying out with the beneficiary, working hand on hand in the development of the established objectives.

Our fields of action are people who live in poverty or extremely poverty. Along with the volunteers, we give an orientation to this people and look for a motivation for their life in order to help them to have a better qualit