

Izizwe Projects

Pays: Afrique du Sud

Interlocuteur: Samantha Eksteen

Adresse: 27 Marshall Road, Humewood, 6001, Port Elizabeth, South Africa

Téléphone (veuillez indiquer l'indicatif du pays):: +27415822227

Page Facebook:: www.facebook.com/Izizweprojects

Site web:: www.izizweprojects.co.za

Organisme(s) partenaire(s) de weltwärts en Allemagne

Kultur Life


Izizwe Projects is a registered non-profit organization which aims to uplift the community of Gqebera Township in Port Elizabeth, South Africa, also known as Walmer Township, by establishing partnerships with community groups, including Walmer High School, Walmer Primary School, and local creches.
The mission of Izizwe Projects is to revitalize community-centered organizations in the township, while also providing opportunities for international volunteers to learn about Xhosa and township culture, and to teach people about their own native cultures.
Since 2008, Izizwe has strengthened these community groups by providing financial assistance, and recruiting volunteers from countries such a