Pays: Ouganda
Interlocuteur: Margaret Tuhumwire
Adresse: Plot 11, Hill Road
P.O Box 883, Entebbe
East Africa.
Téléphone (veuillez indiquer l'indicatif du pays):: +256772444367
E-mail:: ewadmission.mt56@gmail.com
Page Facebook:: EWADUganda
Site web:: www.ewadmission.org
VUGA e.v.
Environmental Women in Action for Development (EWAD) is a non-governmental organization that embraces all people irrespective of their religious, political, gender and racial affiliations. EWAD was founded in 1995 for the exclusive purpose of sharing with the under-privileged, vulnerable
Focal Areas of work
1. Supporting children and youth access affordable adolescent/child friendly services to reduce vulnerability to exploitation and abuse.
2. Supporting skills development for empowerment of women and youths with creativity and innovation to earn sustainable incomes for improved conditions of living.
3. Promoting community management of environmental resources for sustainable devel