Pays: Ouganda
Interlocuteur: Executive Director
Adresse: Kasenyi road, off Entebbe Road
P. O. Box 399 Entebbe, Uganda
Tel: +256-414-378-198
E-mail: huyslinci@yahoo.co.uk or info@huslinci.org
Téléphone (veuillez indiquer l'indicatif du pays):: +256774401496 or +256754754401496
E-mail:: mmatovu@huyslinci.org
Site web:: www.huyslinci.org
Samariterstr. 24
10247 Berlin
Festnetz: 0381/77088430
Email: freiwillige@verein-vuga.org
Web: www.verein-vuga.org
Huys Link Community Initiative (HUYSLINCI) is an independent and non-for-profit NGO established in 1999 with a primary goal of building a society where Children and Youth enjoy their rights and take responsibility to realize their full potential. In all its undertakings, HUYSLINCI is committed to addressing the needs of the most marginalized and vulnerable children and youth by rendering their voices audible rather than speaking on their behalf. The people behind the formation HUYSLINCI are the erstwhile beneficiaries of Rev. Fr. Wynand HUYS who wanted to see the continuity of the charitable work that Wynand Huys, a Dutch Mill Hill Missionary had done in animating lives of young peop