

act for transformation - caucasus office

Pays: Géorgie

Interlocuteur: Inga Shamugia

Adresse: Amagleba St. 22
1050 Tbilisi

Téléphone (veuillez indiquer l'indicatif du pays):: +995 551 056969

Page Facebook:: www.facebook.com/ActCaucasus

Site web:: www.act4transformation.net

Organisme(s) partenaire(s) de weltwärts en Allemagne

act for transformation, non-profit association
Gmuender Str. 9
73430 Aalen


We are non-profit organisation working on peace education, sustainability and volunteer exchange programs to Caucasus Region and Germany. Volunteers from Germany working with civil society organisations in Georgia and Armenia who are active in peace and sustainability. Volunteers from that countries can work in Germany in Um-Welthaus Aalen (incoming-programm).
We implement peace projects in the region and organize youth exchange programs.
Advanced trainings in conflict transformation are offered for paedagoges and youth leaders.