Since 2008, over 50,000 young people have taken part in the weltwärts programme. The 2022 volunteer surveys for the North-South and South-North components that have now been published demonstrate a high degree of satisfaction with weltwärts and a high level of motivation among former volunteers to engage in further voluntary work.
At 89 percent in the North-South component and 94 percent in the South-North component, the vast majority of former volunteers are satisfied with their volunteer service overall. 77 percent of respondents from Germany and 91 percent of respondents from the Global South were satisfied with their assignment and the personal support they received. Social inclusion was also rated positively, at 80 percent satisfaction for the North-South component and 87 percent satisfaction for the South-North component.
89 percent of North-South volunteers and 94 percent of South-North volunteers are satisfied with their volunteer service overall.
Nearly all German volunteers have gained a better understanding of global relations as a result of their volunteer service and have been motivated to act in a spirit of solidarity (93 percent). In the South-North component, these figures were even higher at 97 percent or 98 percent. The respondents’ social circles also benefited from the volunteer service: 64 percent of respondents from Germany and 84 percent of respondents from the Global South reported that their family and friends have developed a better understanding of global mutual dependencies. A high proportion of former volunteers – 49 percent in the North-South component and 57 percent in the South-North component – engaged in voluntary work within just three months of returning. Among the former volunteers who had not yet taken part in voluntary work since returning at the time of the survey, 71 percent in the North-South component and 82 percent in the South-North component indicated that they would like to do so in future.
93 percent of North-South volunteers have gained a better understanding of global relations as a result of their volunteer service and have been motivated to act in a spirit of solidarity.
Three months after they return home, we ask all former volunteers for an honest assessment of their volunteer service experience. The survey is carried out by an independent institution. 1,100 former North-South volunteers who returned between November 2021 and November 2022 were asked to take part in the survey, of whom 638 responded in full. Among the respondents, 60 percent were attending school before departing for their volunteer service, 14 percent were enrolled in higher education, 2 percent were undertaking an apprenticeship and 14 percent were engaged in another occupation.
155 of 455 former volunteers in the South-North component took part. One third were enrolled in higher education before departing for their volunteer service, 14 percent were undertaking an apprenticeship, while the majority of the other former volunteers were in work before taking part in weltwärts.
The results of the surveys are incorporated into the programme management.