Pays: Ouganda
Interlocuteur: Longoli Simon
Adresse: P.O.Box 21 Moroto Kitopoloi House,
Plot 15-17, Adyebo Road Moroto Municipality.
Karamoja Region, Uganda
Téléphone (veuillez indiquer l'indicatif du pays):: +256 776 775775
E-mail:: karamojadf@gmail.com
Page Facebook:: www.facebook.com/Karamoja-Development-Forum-244270849091519/
Site web:: www.kdfug.org
Deutsche Welthungerhilfe e.V.
Artefact (still pending)
Karamoja Development Forum (KDF) is a lobby and advocacy non-governmental and non-profit making organization, working on issues pertaining Karamoja as a region on two thematic areas Land and Pastoralism. KDF is visioned to provide a platform for Ngikarimojong to inform, share information, educate, advocate and discuss development issues; rights, duties and responsibilities and to effectively engage them in the development of the region.
KDF is currently implementing two projects; “Sustaining efforts to increased food security through sharing information on pastoralism in Karamoja” AND “Conflict management and peace building in Karamoja”