Pays: Ouganda
Interlocuteur: Sam Okiring
Adresse: P.O Box 16150,
Kampala - Uganda
Téléphone (veuillez indiquer l'indicatif du pays):: +256782689479
E-mail:: okiring.sam@gmail.com
Uganda school for the Deaf is the first primary school for the deaf in Uganda. It was established in 1959 by concerned parents under the Uganda Society for the Deaf (USD) located at Namirembe Hill Kampala. The school moved to its current campus on plot 18 Ntinda Road, Nakawa Division Urban Council, Kampala Capital City Authority (KCCA), in 1987. The school is located, 5 km East of Kampala city. It is a government grant aided school.
Currently, the school has a total enrolment of 218 children, 102 are boys and 116 girls, out these, 10 are children with multiple disabilities. The school provides education to deaf and deaf blind children and youth from the ages of 4 to 19 yea