

Christ Frontiers Mission lnt

Pays: Ghana

Interlocuteur: +233 244 781 843

Adresse: P. O. Box 571, Wa, U/WR Ghana.

Téléphone (veuillez indiquer l'indicatif du pays):: +233 201151002

Page Facebook:: Christ Frontiers Mission Int

Site web:: P. O. Box 571

Organisme(s) partenaire(s) de weltwärts en Allemagne

Kinderhilfe Westafrika. eV


Christ Frontiers Mission International is a Ghanaian indigenous organization that has as its core mandate to minister to mankind in a holistic approach. This is met through three main windows:
(1) Spiritually, through Church planting and evangelism,
(2) Socially, through meeting the needs of the poor and vulnerable in the society (orphans, widows etc) and
(3) Social and infrastructural amenities through Schools, boreholes to provide potable water and primary health care support.
We also have branches located in Burkina Faso and Niger.